Red Hussars Alumni Assn.
Alumni Officers
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Debbie Theriot - President Pam Yates - Vice President Mary Ann Broussard - Secretary Christel Chamberlain - treasurer Christine Collazo - Inst. Quartermaster Diane Krautz - Uniform Quartermaster Helen Wyble - Parliamentarian Cathy Lopez - Historian Marissa Phillips - PR Paula Sheppard - Chaplin Cammie Pool - Past President
Front Row: Cathy Lopez, Cammie Poole, Marissa Stiles, Helen Wyble, Crystal Chamberlain.
Back Row: Christine Collazo, Pam Wyble, Debbie Theriot, Paula Shepherd, Arlene Howland.
Front Row Left to Right:
Debbie Theriot - Historian; Paula Sheppard - Parlimentarian; Cammie Pool - Treasurer; Pam Yates - Public Relations; Bonnie Ransonette (standing) - Public Relations Asst. Back Row Left to Right:
Marissa Stiles - Past President; Helen Wyble - President; Christel Chamberlain - Vice President; Majorie Broussard - Secretary; Cathy Lopez & Christina Collazo - Instrument Quartermasters; Maeve East - Uniform Quartermaster. |